Introduction to Organisational Behavioural Change
Almost all transformation programmes require some form of behavioural change from the people within your organisation. Most of us will recognise that changing behaviours at an individual level is hard. When trying to transform the behaviours of a whole organisation, this challenge is increased by an order of magnitude.
Unfortuantely, we have found that many leaders overlook the key activities required to support effective behavioural change when embarking on a key strategic initiative. Instead, the technical aspects of the change are delivered, while the impact on the people within the organisation is largely an after-thought. The typical result is the implementation of new systems, structures or processes, without the buy-in and engagement of the people that operate within them. As well as leading to disappointing business outcomes, this effect can be hugely damaging to staff morale.
We have found that to be successful, leaders need an effective framework, process and language for planning, engaging and executing on organisational behavioural change.
Learning-by-doing, not death-by-Powerpoint
Workshop Content
This 1-day workshop is targeted at all Leaders that are responsible for leading organisational changes that are likely to require some form of behavioural change. We welcome participants from a broad range of industries and functions.
During the workshop, you will learn powerful models for understanding both indivual change styles, as well as the key factors that influence human behaviour. These models, with their origins in psychology, set the context for why we all do what we do. By having a clear framework for visualising and understanding the complexities of behavioural change, leaders are able to develop clear and effective action plans. By then integrating these actions around an 8-Step Business Transformation Framework, Leaders can create a clear and comprehensive roadmap for delivering positive change.
During the training, leaders will be encouraged to provide examples of specific behavioural changes that are, or will be, required in their organisation. These examples will then be analysed using the behavioural model in order to immediately create actionable plans that can be applied within your own major stratetic initiatives.
Key topics incude:
- Why is behavioural change hard? Why is it even harder at a time of major organisational change?
- Understanding individual differences in coping with change - The Change Style Indicator
- Understanding human behaviour - The Performance System
- How to build our understanding of change styles and human behaviour into more established change management frameworks
- Developing a comprehensive behavioural change plan for your key strategic initiatives
Workshop Format
Course Title | Leading organisational behavioural change |
Course Description | How to successfully take your people on the transformation journey |
Course Duration | 1 day |
Maximum No. of participants | 16 |
Pricing | Please contact us for pricing information |
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"I think we may be on the journey gents. Thanks for all your help. We got much further than expected"
- Steve A (VP Supply Chain, US Chemical Company)