Leading the Lean Transformation Journey (2-day)


Introduction to Lean Transformation

Whether your organisation uses the term Lean or Operational Excellence, the goal is ultimately the same. That is, to develop an organisational-wide business framework (or system) that can engage your whole workforce in the process of continously improving the experience for your customers, while relentlessly driving out waste.

Improving the customer experience means deeply understanding  your customers to continously deliver more of what they value and less of what they don't. Lean thinking companies look at the whole end-to-end customer experience and passionately strive to improve it, every-single-day.

Our Training

This 2-day workshop is targeted at all Leaders that want to transform the performance of your organisation by enhancing customer value and relentlessly driving out waste. Typically, we welcome participants from a broad range of functions, enabling each to see how they can support the smooth flow of processes across the business.

This introductory workshop will introduce your senior, middle and front-line leaders to the true meaning and value of Lean / Operational Excellence. By deepening your understanding of the principles, processes and tools that underpin a succesful Lean Business System, leaders from all functions can develop a clear picture of what is required to deliver on a transformational journey.

Learning-by-doing, not death-by-Powerpoint

Workshop Content

The key learning points from this training are supported with relevant case studies and simulations that create an experiential learning experience. In doing so, your functional leaders will see the pitfalls, as well as the huge benefits of embarking on the lean transformation journey.

Key topics incude:

Day 1

  • Introducing the basic principles of Lean
  • Flow and the 8 wastes
  • The key features of a Lean Business System
  • Learning to see waste: Diagnostic Tools

Day 2

  • Lean in the Commercial Functions
  • Lean in Product Development
  • Lean in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Logistics
  • Leading the Transformation Journey: Developing the Roadmap and sucessfully delivering change

Workshop Format

Course TitleLeading the Lean Transformation
Course DescriptionDeveloping a Business System for improving customer intimacy while relentlessly driving out waste.
Course Duration2 days
Maximum No. of participants12
PricingPlease contact us for pricing information

"I think we may be on the journey gents. Thanks for all your help. We got much further than expected"

  • Steve A (VP  Supply Chain, US Chemical Company)
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