Introduction to Workshop
Problem Solving skills are very often ranked by both employers and employees as among the most important skills needed to succeed and drive improvement. This need appears to exist irrespective of industry sector or function. However, despite its almost universally recognised importance and value, it is very frequently identified as a significant area of organisational weakness.
In this workshop, we will help your team to cut through the large and daunting array of problem solving tools out there by mastering one simple yet highly effective technique. This method can help your team to resolve around 90% of the issues they are likely to encounter, therefore significantly enhancing problem solving capability. The remaining 10% of problems can then be quickly and easily escalated to a smaller team who have been developed in powerful problem solving tools for resolving complex issues.
Using an interactive problem solving simulation, participants will firstly learn how to contain a situation & identify the key problems. Then they will be shown how to check the process against a defined standard, before using simple problem solving tools to quickly establish root causes and implement a fix. By extending this approach, participants will learn how to more deeply learn from incidents and prevent issues from ever recurring. Finally, participants' will be introduced to a simple tool for continuously driving out risk from the process, establishing the foundation for ongoing improvement.
Having built confidence in new problem solving skills, participants will be coached to apply what they have learned to their current problems and to plan how they can integrate the tools into their everyday work.
Workshop Format
Course Title | Problem Solving Fundamentals |
Course Description | Structured thinking for resolving everyday issues |
Course Duration | 1 day |
Maximum No. of participants | 12 |
Pricing | Please contact us for pricing information |
Workshop Content
- What is a problem? - Developing a common definition and language
- The Problem Solving Process – Introducing the stages of effective problem solving
- Containing & clarifying problems – Quickly grasping the situation to reduce the problem impact and to prepare for resolution
- Checking & controlling the process– Understanding the importance of standard processes and the link with problem solving
- Analysing & fixing problems –Using 5 Why’s to quickly break down a problem for swift resolution
- Learning from problems and preventing recurrence - Extending 5 Why's thinking to maximise the learning from each problem and to ensure that it does not happen again
- Stabilising and sustaining improvement- Continuously driving out risk from your processes to minimise the likelihood of future problems.
- Bringing simple problem solving into your world - Agreeing tangible actions that will support the introduction of this toolkit into your work environment
Who should attend?
This workshop is targeted at all employees that need to resolve problems within their business. In most organisations we work with, that's pretty much everyone.
Whether you are an engineer, a production manager, a laboratory technician or an IT manager it is likely that problem solving is fundamental to your role.This workshop will teach you simple tools in an experiential way that will enable you to signficantly improve your on-the-job problem solving skills.
By training your team or organisation in these techniques, you will establish a common language and framework that can dramatically improve the speed, accurracy and consistency of your collective problem solving.