What is it?
Issue resolution is the process of confidently resolving the multitude of issues that prevent you from achieving your goals. It is about breaking down and prioritising complex situations, getting to the root cause of problems, making effective decisions and proactively managing risk. It is the ability to develop an effective action plan and to maintain accountability throughout execution.
Developing Organisational Issue Resolution Capability, is the process of transforming your workforce to consistently resolve issues with a powerful and consistent approach. It is an engineered capability that releases the full potential of ‘good people’. It provides them with the tools and process required to effectively and consistently structure their thinking and efficiently get things done.
CASPER™ is our framework for outstanding issue resolution. It stands for: Clarify-Analyse-Select-Plan-Execute-Review. The CASPER™ process introduces a proven method for structured thinking and efficient execution that can resolve even the trickiest of organisational issues. In doing so, individuals and team can deliver the positive change required to transform the performance of their organisation.
Developing Organisational Issue Resolution Capability involves embedding the CASPER™ process into your culture and way of working. CASPER™ can improve the effectiveness of almost any work process including new product development, operations, quality management, asset management, customer complaint handling and strategy development.
How does Developing Organisational Issue Resolution Capability with Pico help?
When CASPER™ is embedded into a business culture, the results can be astounding. Problems are permanently resolved, decisions are fact based and accurate, while risks are effectively driven out of your processes. Teams think clearly and use good quality data and information to act. They plan effectively and consistently hold each other accountable for delivery. CASPER™ can help you to make a breakthrough in business performance.
What does a typical engagement look like?
Each deployment program is designed and agreed with you in advance, according to your business goals. It will consist of a combination of training, consulting and coaching events spread over a timeframe that works for you. Our typical engagement process for Developing Organisational Issue Resolution Capability is:
(1) Goal Setting: A review of your most important goals and the key business processes that underpin them.
(2) Discovery: Aligning on the key areas where poor thinking and weak execution are hurting organisational performance today.
(3) Leadership Alignment: Introducing your leaders to the CASPER™ process and ensuring their buy-in and support for the transformation.
(4) Champion Development: Developing your CASPER™ Process Champions and engaging them in creating the initial deployment plan.
(5) Readiness: Working with the CASPER™ Process Champions to determine the communication and process changes required to make the deployment succesful.
(6) Rollout: Developing your people in the CASPER™ process and supporting them through the early behavioural changes
(7) Sustainability: Coaching both Leaders and CASPER™ Process Champions to become self-sufficient in driving and sustaining the CASPER™ Process throughout.
At Pico we know how difficult organisational behavioural change can be. We have many years of experience in delivering positive change for our clients and will guide you through every step of the way. Together, we will smoothly upgrade the thinking and execution norms that underpin your key business processes; a transformation that will deliver amazing and long-term business benefit.
Want to learn more about the powerful CASPER™ process? Why not attend one of our CASPER™ Public Workshops? Alternatively, please contact us to receive a free consultation or to discuss our in-house training programs.